Mahesh Neelkanth Buch


Heaven’s New Citizen

Vishwakarma, Heaven’s City-Planner, Chief Architect & Builder sought and was granted an urgent appointment with Lord Vishnu. When ushered into Lord’s presence, Vishwakarma was visibly upset.

“What is the matter, Vishwakarma? Why are you so agitated?” asked the Lord. He, being Antaryami, of course already knew of Vishwakarma’s troubles. But he also knew the therapeutic value for the aggrieved to just let out steam.

“Lord, it is this new citizen you have admitted to heaven. He is quite a character, to say the least.”

“But, he is a very good man, did a lot of good on earth, and earned his place in heaven. Vishwakarma, it is not for you to question my decision to elevate him to heaven!”

“My Lord, I cannot even dream of questioning your wisdom and authority. Glory be to the Omnipotent and the Omniscient. However, Lord, permit me to say that I am much perturbed about the strange behavior of this new citizen.”

“Why don’t you specify your grievances about our new citizen?”

“Firstly, he has refused to adhere to dress code prescribed for heaven’s citizens. In place of the mandated resplendent silken liveries, he’s going about in public places in his coarse cotton white baggy trousers and a half-sleeved shirt. That is inappropriate costume for heaven.”

“Secondly, he has asked my office to give him a certified copy of Heaven’s Master Plan along with all the voluminous annexes and drawings.”

“Thirdly, he has sent me a lengthy questionnaire with demand for a quick reply, and in no case later than two weeks. He desires to know, among other things, if our Master Plan was put to Public Scrutiny and Debate (the capitals are his, My Lord!) before finalization and approval. That, my Lord, is asking for too much. I know all there is to know about city planning. My wisdom has never been questioned, not even by the deities. In any case, I have obtained your consent and approval for our latest Master Plan. We cannot permit a new citizen to reopen the matter!”

“Fourthly, he has already covered the length and breadth of our city on foot. He is going about asking questions about sewerage lines, land-fill sites for garbage disposal, and public conveniences. Nandan Kanan, he says is accessible only to select deities and apsaras. Where are parks for heaven’s common citizens, he is asking?  Gods have chariots. What’s the public transport system for the citizenry, he demands to know? He has even inspected the Sevak colony, and is making noises about inadequate facilities for its residents.”

“Are you done?” asked the Lord.

“Lastly, My Lord, he is also talking about the need for an Ethical Code of Conduct for all your Administrators, deities big and small. He is asking all the deities to voluntarily abjure acceptance of nazrana and shukrana. You’re aware, my Lord, that this is a well-established and time-honored practice among deities and supplicants. He says that nazrana and shukrana are also corrupt practices. If one is disinclined to decline these offerings, he says, one is not far from soon demanding jabrana, too.”

Vishwakarma was done, and expected the Lord to agree to restrain or at least  admonish the new entrant for his insouciance and open challenge to Establishment.

Lord Vishnu smiled his inscrutable smile, and said, “Well, Vishwakarma, does it occur to you that I may have a certain purpose in bringing this new citizen here? Go, meditate upon it, and you will yourself find the answer.”

“Your Will be Done, My Lord. By the way, who is this person?”

“Oh, don’t you already know? He’s Mahesh Neelkanth Buch. Do not mess with him. He has already drawn up a list of some of your buildings which need to be pulled down to serve public good!”


In remembrance of Shri M. N. Buch, who left for his heavenly-abode on 6.6.2015. 




  • Author's profile may be seen at
  • Books by this author are available on, Kindle eBook, Flipkart, and Notion Press, Chennai.


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