Advisory for Husbands: Dare NOT, to Stare!

Advisory for Husbands: Dare NOT, to Stare!

A copy of an Advisory issued by IIWA (India Inc. Wives’ Association)  to IIHA (India Inc. Husbands’ Association) has been received from a reliable source who has requested not to be named.

The text of the ‘Advisory’ is placed below.



India Inc. Husbands’ Association.

Date: 16 January, 2025

Sub: Advisory for IIHA members.

Dear President,

On behalf of IIWA, I convey hearty greetings for the New Year to you and your distinguished members. We sincerely hope and pray that  2025 may bring you success, fame, and happiness, both at work and at home.

The following Advisory, unanimously approved by an Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting of IIWA, may be brought to the notice of all your members for necessary action and strict compliance.


1.   Husbands are advised that staring amounts to ocular assault, and may note that wives do NOT consent to be stared at. Anyone who stares, on Sunday or any other day, at our honourable member at home or elsewhere; would be promptly outstared. Obsessive-Compulsive starers may keep a golden statuette of own spouse, à la Golden Sita, in their office drawer.

(Amul Ad in ET-15/01/2025) (Blogger's comment: But, butter melts only when bread is hot!)

2.   Husbands must be grateful, and periodically exhibit their gratitude, for having a very intelligent, beautiful, smart, and talented woman as spouse; and always remember that she is an autonomous person, no arm-candy to meekly accompany them to business lunches and dinners.

3.   An internal survey has revealed that our members are constrained to log in 100 hours or more of work with seven-day weeks round the year, and yet are poorly compensated for their untiring work; whereas men are raising a hue and cry over 70/90 work-hours a week!

4.   Since she manages her own Company, Charitable Trust, numerous social welfare and club activities, provides to husband healthy nutrition, minds his laundry, keeps his wardrobe fashionable and well-stocked (when did any husband ever buy a pair of socks?); she has a hectic daily schedule. Should a husband solicit her company at important events, request must be sent to her PA at least a month in advance.

5.   Should a husband wish to meet her at home on Sunday or any other day; purpose of proposed meeting, duration, and venue (drawing room, dining room, bedroom) must be mentioned.

6.   Husbands must share their detailed daily schedule with spouse, and provide real-time access to their GPS location when out of home. All unscheduled meetings, trysts, and rendezvouses must be reported.

7.   Husbands must share passcodes to unlock their phone and laptop.

8.   Husbands must take our mandatory online Refresher Courses: (1) How to be Productive at Home; and (2) How to achieve Domestic Happiness & Peace. Tests for these courses must be passed with Grade A or above (Grades A+,A++,& A+++).

9.    Husbands must submit Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly ‘Home Productivity Self-Appraisal’ Report in our prescribed format; making sure to specify the ‘Quality Time’ they spent with spouse for period under reporting.

10.                  Husbands who snore (most husbands do, but vehemently deny it!); must sleep in the spare bedroom.

11.                  Our Association has unanimously resolved to celebrate each Sunday as No-Work Day, ME-Day, Serene Sunday- fully dedicated to the holistic health and wellbeing of our members, unencumbered by spouse, children, and domestic chores. Group and individual activities to be held include Yoga, Meditation, Relaxation & Detox massage, Zumba session with a personal trainer, Laughter-Chat-Gossip sessions, Nature Walk, music therapy, etc.

Protocol for ‘Serene Sunday’: phones on mute, no TV, no cooking at home, cook granted weekly-off. Our members would be on a liquid diet- only juices and other beverages. Should the husband be at home and feel hungry, he may request the gardener or the security guard to order a burger or biryani from Swiggy or Zomato. 

Venue for Home sessions- Prayer-cum-Meditation Chamber with dim lighting, and soothing Om chanting; entry permitted after bath, and on bare feet. Husbands are welcome to join spouse in the Meditation Chamber subject to strictly complying with the above-mentioned protocol.

12.                  Husbands must NOT:

a.   bring work-related tension home

b.   bring laptop to bedroom

c.    make business phone calls from bedroom

d.   check phone messages at 3.00 AM (the blue flicker disturbs the sleep of your spouse)

e.   scatter shoes and socks all over the house

Please acknowledge receipt of this Advisory.

Thanking you,


President, IIWA.




Two of my esteemed readers tell me that my blog is ‘too one-sided.’ I agree. But my humorous and satirical one-sided-ness was in response to the sexist, outrageous, ‘stare’ comment by the L & T boss!

Kedar Rout, a thoughtful reader and a friend got this WhatsApp forward:

Someone needs to tell L&T head that if you work 90 hours & don’t stare at your wife, someone else will;’ to which his response was:

‘Ha.. we get some clues from TS Eliot...

Lil's husband is coming back after 4 years serving in the war. Her friend is persuading Lil to spruce up a bit so that Albert (Lil's husband) will have a good time. She further warns 'if you can't give it to him, others will'....’

My note: I had forgotten that Lil was a character in ‘The Waste Land,’ and read Part 2 of the poem once again. Here’s a longer quote:

“…think of poor Albert,

He’s been in the army four years, he wants a good time,

And if you don’t give it him, there’s others will,…” (The Waste Land- Part II-A Game of Chess: T.S.Eliot).

Thanks, Dear Kedar, for that.


  1. Love the sass and humour in the advisory 🙏

  2. Too good and befitting. Sashibhusan Rath

  3. The IIWA drafted a memorandum,
    Gave the IIHA an ultimatum,
    Spelt out their working hours ,
    Told them to climb down from corporate ivory towers,
    Adhere to our checklist at home and maintain discipline and decorum !

  4. Enough of misogyny ! We want gender equality ! Dare not Stare !


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