Abhi Toh Mein Jawaan Hoon:
A Tribute to Shri Manohar Keshav
A few days
ago, I had dropped in at their home without notice, but I guess the affectionate
Keshavs were pleased to chat with me. A month ago, Mrs. Keshav had a fracture
from a fall and her right arm was in a sling yet she was as cheerful as ever
and served home-made gud ke pare, namkeen, and coffee. Mr. Keshav, the
quintessential raconteur with an elephantine memory and a treasure-trove of delectable
anecdotes, is always delightful company.
“Sir, will
you please help me translate abhi toh mein jawan hoon? I need an hour or
more of your time since I don’t understand several Urdu words and phrases in
the nazm.’
‘Sure, I’ll,’
he said, and picked up a slim volume of Urdu poetry from the side table by his
arm-chair and began reciting the nazm I had just mentioned. I was happy to
record an impromptu video on my smartphone. The poem is rather long, and
wishing not to tire him out, I requested him to stop after two stanzas. If I hadn’t,
he might have proceeded further.
Mr Keshav, born on 21st February, 1927, is from the 1953 Batch of the
IAS, MP Cadre. He had joined the Service before I was born!
Whether at
home or at a party, the Keshavs are immaculately dressed, and are amazingly friendly
and hospitable.
Wishing you
many happy returns of the day, Sir. We hope to hear many more of your lovely
If you have not already heard it, go to You Tube for the lovely rendition of this nazm by Mallika Pukhraj, and a masterly recitation by Zohra Sehgal.
Abhi Toh Mein Jawaan Hoon:
Urdu Nazm by Hafeez Jajandhari
(Translation of a few stanzas by Prasanna Dash)
intoxicating, invigorating breeze,
Flowers dancing
in fragrant exuberance,
A million
melodies usher in the Spring,
in its dazzling pageantry.
goest thou,
O Damsel
with the wine goblet,
Come hither,
pour from your pitcher,
Fill the cup
and pass it on.
Behold the
gorgeous garden,
That dispels
all distress and despondency,
Look, how
the dark clouds
Have vanished
swiftly over the horizon.
A horde of
Rush towards
the tavern,
What doubt
bothers you,
Take it from
me, I am no novice.
Too soon for
me to contemplate austerity or abstinence,
For I still
have the fire and fervour of youth.
Many offer the
prescribed prayers,
Hoping for salvation,
righteous strictly tread the path of virtue,
While others
meekly follow dreading divine chastisement.
O Sheikh,
even though you are strangely disconnected
With this life
here and now,
this –
Isn’t it natural
for youth to celebrate amour, revel and exult?
When the
beloved is sensuous and sizzling,
Her gestures
so enticing,
The breeze fragrant
and intoxicating,
How can the
youth not be excited and ensnared?......
(To be completed after a session with Shri Manohar Keshav)
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