Pachmarhi: Two Paintings

DALL-E Paints Pachmarhi for me!

I had read about DALL-E, the OpenAI tool that can create amazing digital paintings from natural language inputs. Today, I tried it.

I asked for "A painting of Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh in Van Gogh style." In a few seconds, DALL-E created the painting I had ordered. Here it is:

I was not done yet. My second request was for "A painting of Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh in Claude Monet style." Here is the result:

Why Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet? They are among the world's greatest landscape painters.

Shanti Mantra


Shanti Mantra-Sarvesham Swastirvavatu


ॐ सर्वेषां स्वस्तिर्भवतु । सर्वेषां शान्तिर्भवतु ।

   सर्वेषां पूर्णं भवतु । सर्वेषां मङ्गलं भवतु ।

   सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।

   सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दुःख भाग्भवेत् ।

   ॐ आनन्द । ॐ आनन्द । ॐ आनन्द ॥ ॥



May Auspiciousness be unto all!

May Peace be unto all!

May Fullness be unto all!

May Prosperity be unto all!

May all be happy! May all be free of diseases!

May all see what is good! May no one suffer from misery!

OM Bliss! Bliss! Bliss!


(Source: Sartha Shloka Sangraha: Important shlokas with meaning)

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!

As the New Year dawns,

I wish for peace and prosperity

For every citizen of our great nation.

May our leaders lead with wisdom and kindness,

And may we come together as a united people,

Working towards a brighter future for all.

May the year ahead bring happiness and success,

Health and abundance for every family and community.

Let us embrace the spirit of hope and renewal,

Embracing the challenges and opportunities

That the new year will bring.

 Happy New Year, Dear India,

May your shining potential be realized

 In the days, months, and years to come.


(A short poem on New Year wishes by an ordinary, concerned citizen of India: Author – Chat GPT, composed on 30/12/2022, upon request from Prasanna Dash, a struggling but undaunted author)

Two Prayers

 Dear Reader,

Best wishes for your health, happiness, and prosperity in 2023. 

Sharing with you two prayers, the first one authored by ChatGPT, and the second one by this author. If you like the first one more, I respect your poetic sensibility, and take no offence.

A Prayer

(Authored by ChatGPT*)

For peace and prosperity,

For health and happiness,

For all the people of the world,

May we find harmony and understanding,

May we embrace each other with love and kindness,

May we work together to create a brighter future,

For every nation, every race, every religion,

May we find peace and prosperity within ourselves,

And may it radiate outward,

Bringing joy and healing to all.


(* Upon request for “a short poem on A Prayer for Universal Peace, Health, Happiness, and Prosperity” by Prasanna Dash, a struggling but undaunted author.)

A Prayer


He offered his morning prayer,

For Happiness of All,

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah,

World Peace and well-being,

Specifically, for the Russia-Ukraine war to end soon,

To keep India safe from

The evil eyes of neighbors,

Big and small,

Buri nazar wale tera muhn kala;

To usher in noble thoughts,

Aa no bhadro ….

Tolerance of different perspectives,

Less hateful speeches in politics.



He thought it was reasonable

To seek blessings of the gods and goddesses,

To keep Corona 19 and its variants,

Far from self, family, and friends,

To keep his brain safe from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s,

Strokes and other infirmities,

To prevent accidental fall

In the bath or elsewhere.

To keep his investments

Safe from frauds and the failure of banks,

To push the stock market to grow

Annually at least by fifteen per cent,

To keep inflation in check,

Peaceful days at home,

Less irritable spouse,

Undisturbed sleep at night,

Less vicious debate on TV,

More interesting serials on OTT.


Since the list was getting rather long,

He decided to give the deities a break.

To sum up,

He said,

Please grant all my wishes,

Very reasonable as they are.



Aa no bhadro- Part of a famous Sanskrit Shantipath or Swastimantra, an invocation for wellbeing of All- Aa no bhadro krtavo yantu vishwatah (Let noble thoughts come to us from all directions), a Vedic Mantra (Rig Veda, 1.89.1)

Buri nazar wale tera muhn kala- a popular Hindi saying, meaning- May the ones with evil looks bite the dust. Literally,’ You, the one with the evil look, your own face will be blackened.’

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah- Part of a popular Sanskrit Shanti Mantra, an invocation for Peace, meaning- May all be blessed with health, happiness, and prosperity.


The original poem (now revised) is from the author’s 'River Song and Other Poems'.



  • Author's profile may be seen at
  • Books by this author are available on, Kindle eBook, Flipkart, and Notion Press, Chennai.


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